Outdoor Photo Presentations
Wilderness canoeing, backpacking, mountain climbing, and winter mountaineering
The photo presentations that follow show the charm and the challenge of nature in all its glory: from remote rivers that exist in pristine beauty without human habitation, to rugged deserts and cragged mountains and the incomparable solitude of the wild outdoors
Wilderness Canoeing
Labrador - George River
Maine - St. Johns River
Northwest Territories - Nahanni River
Quebec - several exciting rivers to choose from:
Du Chef
Texas - Rio Grande and Santa Elena Canyon
Wilderness Backpacking
Grand Canyon - several exciting routes are available:
South Rim
Boucher Trail
Bright Angel and Kaibab Trails
Elves Chasm route and Bass Trail
Havasupai area
North Rim
Deer Creek and Thunder River
Shinumo Amphitheater and Modred Abyss
Arizona and Colorado:
Potpouri of Anasazi ruins, pictographs, and petroglyphs
California - Yosemite
New York:
Adirondack Mountains
Catskill Mountains
Adirondack Trail potpouri
Delaware Water Gap and Mt. Kittatinny
Bryce Canyon
Grand Gulch and Natural Bridges
Uinta Mountains
Zion Canyon
Utah and Arizona:
Pariah Canyon and Buckskin Gulch
Mountain Climbing
Arizona: San Francisco Peaks
Crestone Needle and Humboldt Peak
Long’s Peak
Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Olympus
Winter Mountaineering
New Hampshire - Mt. Washington
New York - Mt. Marcy
Vermont - Mt. Mansfield