Consulting and Expert Witness
Gary Gentile has done expert witness work for lawsuits, has testified at federal trials and hearings, and has written reports for the court in order to render his expert opinion. He has also given numerous interviews for publications in books, magazines, and newspapers, and for broadcast on television.
Gary maintains a host of regular clients, who call or write whenever expert advice or opinion is needed on a variety of topics such as wreck-diving, deep diving, decompression diving, technical diving, shipwreck histories, environmental concerns, and underwater archaeology.
New clients are welcome. No retainer fee is required. Nor are non-clients required to pay a minimum fee per job. Hourly rates apply, but the rate is not rounded up to the nearest hour nor even to the nearest quarter hour. Rates are charged on a real-time per-minute basis beginning with initiation of the job and ending with the billing and posting of materials (if any).
Clients with continuing accounts are billed quarterly. Others are billed upon completion of the job if the job is short-term, or periodically is the job becomes ongoing and the outstanding debt reaches $500.
The particular rate applied depends upon the nature of the work. Legal and television work rate the highest, telephone interviews and consultations of an immediate nature rate lower. In-house work of a non-immediate nature - work which can be accomplished in accordance with its priority relevant to other, more immediate work - rates the lowest.
Contact Gary for a consulting form and contract which stipulates fee schedules.