Artifact Appraisals
Gary Gentile has recovered thousands of maritime artifacts during a wreck-diving career that has spanned three decades. He has displayed these precious relics at museums, stores, club functions, special events, and underwater symposiums. He has worked with archaeologists and insurance companies in establishing values for all kinds of maritime artifacts - not only for his own artifacts but for those that were owned and displayed by others.
It is a long-proven fact that maritime items whose provenance has been established (that is, whose origin has been determined, say, by having been recovered from a shipwreck whose identity is known) possess a much higher value than items that have been scrounged from scrap yards and from dismantled ships. One-of-a-kind items are worth more than the run-of-the-mill. Furthermore, the value of a maritime artifact is increased dramatically by a shipwreck's renown, popularity, or historic significance.
Gary keeps current on the rising prices of maritime artifacts by referring to sales, auctions, catalogues, and shops that specialize in nautical memorabilia.
Whether you have an elegant china plate, a simple brass porthole, an aged wooden deadeye, a modern hydraulic telegraph, or an exquisite piece of jewelry, you should have it appraised - for sale, for loan, or for the purpose of adequate insurance.
Contact Gary for a fee schedule. Rates are hourly and are not based upon the value of the items to be appraised.